GunZLog - Recent Hackers

posted under by StormLexer
It's december 15th. Almost time for christmas right.
Well i'm not feeling so "Jolly" in gunz. The recent ammount of hackers is really starting to piss me off and get out of control.

So far i've seen around 20 hackers ever since DarkX got publicly released.
I have recently just gotten back into DM, used to be a quest whore, and then this shit comes up.
Ive seen 3-5 hackers in a room AT ONCE! And the funny part is that they go "I'm so pro!" and shit like that. Another thing I would like to discuss is thatstuff too. But later.

And the ammount of noobs is getting annoying. I mean not normal "how do I do this, or that" newbies but I see people kill stealing all the time and act like they're god cause they got a kill. Then I say something like "KSing isn't a reason to act like you're good".
KSing and TKing is really annoying. I mean some people do it accidently and apologize, so I can forgive and forget, hell even I sometimes do but I always say sorry for it. But it's when people do it and praise theirself for it, it just pisses me off. But I usualy just say fuck it and go on my marry way.

Now about this "PRO" shit. I don't understand this. How the fuck can you be "pro" by playing a fucking game. Anyone can be good at it.
So I don't see how anyone can be ''pro" at a game, I really just don't get it.

Thanks for reading. Please bookmark this site cause I will be ranting about other things.


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